唔知大家知唔知,市面上有好多含有害化學物質嘅沐浴產品,例如化學起泡劑、化學乳化劑、人造色素或香料等等,都係令人致敏嘅源頭,有D化學成分什至有致癌或令人中風嘅風險,非常可怕!有人會話,「chur沖涼咋嘛,好快就用水沖走D soap,唔好咁小題大做啦」,咁就大錯特錯喇!因為只要係搽上身體嘅產品,唔洗20秒好多成分就已經進入咗我哋嘅血管,皮膚更係人體最大嘅器官,沖涼時用沐浴液,大幅度全身使用,其實唔洗我再講落去,你應該想像得到如果用有害物質對人體嘅傷害性係有幾大~ 我哋嘅Aroma Healing Body Wash, 主打用上Lemon, Sage同Grapefruit珍貴精油,沖涼同時有舒緩身心嘅作用,再加入蘆薈葉精華、荷荷巴精華、維他命E潔淨同時有效滋潤同soften肌膚,上水後唔會有乾睜睜嘅感覺。
沖涼後建議用上同系列Lemon + Sage Body Lotion滋潤肌膚,延續Aroma Healing之感~
Under the shower, allow yourself to feel the water on your body. Let the heat awaken and relax your muscles and imagine your cares washed away with the water. Dispense a quarter-sized drop of all body wash and lather up with warm water. Smell your shower gel and let the natural fragrance invigorate you. Wash in an upward circular motion, cleanse the skin while massage away stress; rinse off, pat dry. When you finish showering, appreciate the feel of the dry towel against your wet skin. Be aware of how clean and refreshed you feel. Smile to yourself.
"INUF Aroma Healing -
The use of natural aromatic botanicals for psychological and physical well-being"
LEMON: Lemon oil has long been respected for its ability to lift the spirits, and is often recommended for stress-related fatigue. It is believed to increase awareness and eliminate emotional confusion. It is also known for spring-cleaning the mind and enhancing mental performance and memory function.
SAGE: Sage was known as a 'sacred herb' by the ancient Romans to invigorate the mind and body. It can be mentally stimulating and can help people to cope with grief, depression and mental fatigue. It is also great for calming nervous exhaustion, quickening the senses and aiding memory.
For pregnant or breast feeding women, use Children of the Stars Gentle Body Wash instead.
For external use only. Avoid direct contact with eyes. Keep out of reach of children. Store away from heat and light. Once opened, best used within 9 months.
*Silicone free / Mineral oil free / Alcohol free / Synthetic chemical free / Toxin free / SLS & SLES free / Paraben free / Petrolatum free / PEG, PPG & BG free / EDTA free / Synthetic fragrance free / artificial colorants free / and above all CRUELTY free.
*如對精油敏感者/孕婦/皮膚極易敏感者, 建議使用Children of the Stars嘅Mild Body Wash.