Grounding Auric Spray
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      Grounding Aura spray prevents us from staggering in difficult situations by activating and strengthening the lower Chakras (especially the Root Chakra). Enhances flow in our daily routine, replacing fear with confidence, stability and strength.

      Visualise the roots of a tree penetrating into the ground, forming a connection where one is the natural extension of the other. This is the objective of Grounding – creating a connection to our mother, the earth, to bring us more stability and strength in our daily lives.

      As with a house, it’s critical to develop a solid foundation. And similarly, when you are developing Spiritually, you need a strong foundation from which to extend and successfully grow. The deeper the roots, the higher the branches – being deeply grounded in yourself allows you to more easily raise your spirit and elevate your experience of life.

      Lines of energy emanate from the sky, passing through us and into the ground. When these lines of energy are cut, our experiences don’t pass through and instead get stuck. This is why the connection of these lines is so important. If we accumulate too much baggage it disrupts the flow of energy from the astral through us to the earth.

      This flow of energy is worth taking care of. Mother Earth is always there to receive what we have to give (eg. fear, anger… whatever you have excess of). When we release, she receives. Far from resenting our rubbish falling to her, she accepts our energies willingly, converting anything we give back to its original pure state. Grounding Aura Blend re-establishes this healthy connection and flow. Mother Earth has a very stable pulse and rhythm.. connecting to this is a very comforting experience, helping us slow down and enjoy life at an easier pace.

      - Crystals infused : Black Tourmaline, Smoky Quartz, Hematite & Clear Quartz

      - Aroma : Vanilla & Clove Bud

      * The crystals chosen for Grounding activate the lower Chakras and reconnect energy flow to Mother Earth. All the ingredients in this formula are focused stabilise and ground your Auric field. From the crystals to the aromas, the selection of essential oils and even the use of the colour red for the labelling, are all focused on connecting you securely to the Earth.

      ​100% HANDMADE With Love in Bali, Indonesia

      100% PURE ORGANIC, products are made with Pure Ingredients and Certified Organic Essential oils

      What is the Aura?

      The aura is the energy field emanating from all living beings. It is composed of many layers and it is important that they are balanced and radiant for our wellbeing. Our defense system tends to behave always in the same way, as a reaction to disturbing encounters in our daily lives, repeatedly creating similar blocks in our bodies.

      How do Auric sprays work?

      The molecular vibrations of crystals are passed into pure spring water and into your auric field inviting your energy to step into this vibration, creating harmony and balance. In time this blocking reaction gradually reduces, although at the beginning the body may still want to return to its usual defensive state. The process of healing takes some time to anchor. Each spray contains a specific crystal formula that carries a certain healing vibration to tune into. Check the options available to see which one is best for you!


      Water (aqua), Alcohol, Vanilla Planifolia Fruit, Eugenia Caryophyllus (Clove) Flower Oil* *Certified Organic

      Water (natural spring water from the heart of Bali’s volcanic mountains, which is then energetically cleansed and blessed in a special Balinese Ceremony), Alcohol (high grade locally produced Perfumers cane alcohol), 100% Pure Essential oils, various Flower Essences, finest grade natural Crystals (cleansed, activated and charged to rejuvenate their original life force), lots of intentional care, and Love!


      話說早前夏風夜涼開show前個排, 因為超繁瑣嘅各樣工作, 加上自身情緒易毛唇奴, 又唔知關唔關full moon事, 個一陣子經歷咗一段好heavy嘅灰色期, 無啦啦多嘢做到零晨喺公司喊, 又成日約朋友出去食飯飲酒... 我仲記得當我出發前往夏風夜涼第一晚時, 一向自愈能力算強嘅自己, 又hangover又depressed地要搵麻利傾計!

      開show前見到一位已經由早餐會友變成朋友嘅朋友V,佢同男朋友都係嚟睇show, 而佢前幾日先去完Bali探索好多spirituality, 亦係我哋兩個最近經常探討嘅話題, 而佢就送咗支 Balipura Auric Sprays 嘅"Grounding spray"俾我, 我即場狂噴自己, 笑說OMG This is exac7tly what I need!!!!!

      唔好講笑, 我都唔想sound咁變態, 但個一晚臨睡前已經feel到我頭上個一片重重嘅灰雲, 真係有散咁開D嘅跡象!! 而第二日, 我一起身就噴少少落自己頭頂&aura, 已經基本上好返晒, 貼返上個地面, 個人開心返晒變返個正能量寶寶!!!! 而當日喺後台見到Shine經理人Amy, 由於佢連續兩日都見到我, 但都問我點解第二日氣息好咁多, 精神咗咁多, 突然判若兩人!!!

      而家我已經習慣每日早晚都會噴幾下, 又或者突然覺得要就噴如做yoga前後, 亦即時reach out品牌owner要入佢貨!! 咁好嘅products一定要同大家分享!!

      Well, 其實Auric Sprays係乜東東呢?? 首先Balipura嘅每一支healing mist, 都必定會用high quality crystal-infused嘅Bali火山泉水造base, 加上天然草本植物+100% pure essential oil, 製成後owner會將所有sprays於full moon時做一個blessing儀式, 之後就可以出街賣喇, 所以每一次造貨都非常限量同珍貴!! 暫時有4款sprays, 睇下自己個人需要吧, 我自己4隻都有, 跟據自己當下唔同嘅感覺而用, 其實係任何時候想噴就噴, 完全冇rule的~


      Use when you’re returning home and you want to slow down and reconnect. Spending time in transit (especially on planes) can be destabilising, and grounding again is important. Similarly, apply after intense periods of work or study (anything that puts you too much in the mind). People who are easily distracted or lack focus to complete tasks benefit from consistent use. Great to use before therapy, healing sessions or even Yoga classes enhances their effect. Use after meditation or when you feel ‘spaced out’ can bring us back to Earth in a positive way. Moments of emotional upset also quickly fracture our balance.. used at these times, Grounding can connect us to ourselves again.

      Set an intention and take a big breath, or just relax and clear your mind.

      Spray several times above your head and allow the mist to fall around you.

      Take a few seconds to breath it in.

      Use a couple of times a day for an effective realignment.

      Can be used over a period of time to support a deeper transformation.

      For external use only – do not ingest.


      Store in cool dry place away from direct sunlight, TV’s, microwaves, mobile phones, routers/ modems or computers.

      Shelf life / PAO: 6 Months after opening date.

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